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    網址:http://www.chuntianwenshi.com 手機頁麵二維碼 2020-04-02 11:50:58    


      As we all know, general disposable tableware is discarded when it is used up, and it is difficult to realize the recycling and reuse of resources. So, can all disposable tableware not be recycled? In fact, there are recyclable environmental tableware, that is, disposable environmental tableware!
      一次性環保操逼下载软件無菌QS車間生產,耐酸堿、耐高溫、耐無菌(致病菌:沙門氏菌、誌賀氏菌、金黃色葡萄球菌、溶血性鏈球菌、大腸杆菌群、黴菌)。culijie tableware使用的PS材料是可回收利用的材料,可用於工業原料、造粒和銷售,增加雙向收入,化廢為寶,一石多得。
      The disposable environmental protection tableware is produced in QS workshop, which is acid and alkali resistant, high temperature resistant and sterile (pathogenic bacteria: Salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus aureus, hemolytic streptococcus, coliform group and mould). The PS material used in culijie tableware is recyclable material, which can be used in industrial raw materials, granulation and sales, increase two-way income, turn waste into treasure, and get more one stone.
      In modern times, it's rare to have a sanitary and safe disposable environmental protection tableware. Welcome to join the agency!