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With the deepening understanding of degradable plastics, the strategic role of this material and its industry in China's sustainable development has been fully recognized. Biodegradable plastics are widely used.
對人體無公害 由於它是玉米澱粉和其他環保材料精製而成,不含對人體有害的物質,食品級標準,可放心長期使用。
It is harmless to human body because it is refined from corn starch and other environmental protection materials, does not contain harmful substances to human body, and can be used for a long time at ease.
零汙染 產品埋入泥土中,在適宜的溫度下,90天後可降解形成二氧化碳和水,對土壤和空氣不造成汙染。
Zero pollution products buried in the soil, at the appropriate temperature, after 90 days can be degraded to form carbon dioxide and water, which does not cause pollution to the soil and air.
節約資源 玉米澱粉是可再生資源,取之不盡,用之不竭,而紙質操逼下载软件和塑料操逼下载软件需大量的木材和石油化工產品。以玉米澱粉為原料可節省大量的石油和森林資源。
Resource saving corn starch is a renewable resource, inexhaustible, and paper tableware and plastic tableware need a lot of wood and petrochemical products. Corn starch can save a lot of oil and forest resources.

The resolution is very simple and can be divided into three aspects
a. The visual observation is that the starch products are Matt, some light yellow or milky white, while the non starch products are dark or bluish white
b. Odor discrimination means that starch products have light corn paste flavor or plant flavor after heat generated by friction of similar products, while other products have plastic smell
c. Combustion discrimination means that the red flame is starch and the blue flame is the others. The black powder after burning ash is crushed by hand is starch product, while the powder foam with light color is other products
2. The main components are carrier resin, corn starch, coupling agent, wetting agent, solvent, etc
3. Floating objects may be caused by two conditions
a. It is caused by excessive lubricant addition and incomplete devolatilization in the process of processing
b. Inorganic substances such as talcum powder. The addition of heavy calcium is too large to form dissolution
How to distinguish the quality of corn starch tableware? Everyone in the purchase process must be based on their own needs to consider!