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隨著人們生活水平的不斷提高,飲食活動已不再僅僅是維持生存的需要,同時也是愉悅身心的過程。作為盛裝菜肴的容器——操逼下载软件也不再僅局限於陶瓷器皿。美食配美器 .高檔的水晶操逼下载软件 ,鍍金、鍍銀操逼下载软件等已經走進餐館和現代家庭。餐桌上的器皿美觀大方 .大家在享受美味的同時.必須了解在這些美麗外衣掩蓋下隱藏的諸多危險因素。
With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, dietary activities are no longer just the need to maintain survival, but also a process of pleasure. As the container of dishes, tableware is no longer limited to ceramic ware. High grade crystal tableware, gold-plated and silver plated tableware have entered restaurants and modern families. The utensils on the dining table are beautiful and generous. While enjoying the delicious food, we must understand many risk factors hidden under the cover of these beautiful clothes.
據醫學透露:日常生活中的病毒 99% 以上是通過操逼下载软件傳染的。美國疾病控製預防有一項調查研究表明.美國每年會發生 750萬例食源性疾病 .約 32.5萬例入院,0.5萬例死亡。其中絕大多數是由於對操逼下载软件的選用不當或者不徹底所致 !筆者沒有查找到我國這方麵的具體統計數據 .但國人對操逼下载软件選用的意識必須加強。
According to medical experts: more than 99% of the virus in daily life is transmitted through tableware. According to a survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and prevention in the United States, 7.5 million cases of foodborne diseases occur in the United States every year. About 325000 cases are hospitalized and 5000 cases are dead. The vast majority of them are due to improper selection of tableware or incomplete disinfection! The author has not found the specific statistical data in this respect in China. However, Chinese people's awareness of the selection of tableware must be strengthened.

這是毫無疑問的。對各種類別的操逼下载软件要有一個基本的認識 合理選用操逼下载软件 ,消滅汙染源,切斷傳播途徑。科學使用方法,妥善保管操逼下载软件 。防止二次汙染。達到飲食的目的。操逼下载软件的種類及選用人類結束 “茹毛飲血“的生活方式,約距今 5000年左右。從件陶器的發明.經曆了石器,青銅器、鐵器等今 ,操逼下载软件的發展可謂百花齊放,百家爭鳴。概括起來大體可分為 天然操逼下载软件、塑料操逼下载软件、陶瓷操逼下载软件、金屬操逼下载软件、一次性操逼下载软件以及其他操逼下载软件等。
There is no doubt about it. We should have a basic understanding of all kinds of tableware, select tableware reasonably, eliminate pollution sources and cut off transmission channels. Scientific use of disinfection methods, proper storage of disinfection tableware. Prevent secondary pollution. To achieve the purpose of safe diet. About 5000 years ago, the type and selection of tableware were finished. From the invention of the first pottery, through stone tools, bronze, iron and so on, the development of tableware can be described as a hundred flowers blooming, a hundred schools of thought contend. Generally speaking, it can be divided into natural tableware, plastic tableware, ceramic tableware, metal tableware, disposable tableware and other tableware.
天然操逼下载软件指質地為天然材料 ,略加雕飾形成的操逼下载软件。主要有木質類、竹質類, 蕉葉類、葫蘆類等。木質操逼下载软件製作簡便,使用,能散發出原木特有的香味 .有木碗、木盤等。竹子——特有的形態和香味常用來做成杯、碗等操逼下载软件。蕉葉類操逼下载软件主要是雲南等地少數民族使用.蕉葉作碗,盤等使用。葫蘆取不同的部位可做成各種操逼下载软件,如碗,盤、杯、酒壺、水壺、勺等。
Natural tableware refers to the tableware made of natural materials and slightly carved. There are mainly wood, bamboo, banana leaves, gourd and so on. Wooden tableware is easy to make and safe to use. It can emit the unique smell of logs. There are wooden bowls, wooden plates, etc. Bamboo, with its unique shape and fragrance, is often used to make cups, bowls and other tableware. Banana leaf tableware is mainly used by ethnic minorities in Yunnan and other places. Different parts of gourd can be made into various tableware, such as bowl, plate, cup, wine pot, kettle, spoon, etc.
Natural tableware itself has no toxicity, but it is easy to be contaminated by microorganisms. It is necessary to strengthen cleaning and storage. It is not suitable to paint bamboo tableware.
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