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The general paper cup with good disposable paper cup shall be sealed in plastic packaging bag, and the packaging bag shall not be damaged. On the package label are marked the contents that must be marked in accordance with national regulations, such as "product name, manufacturer's name, address, product implementation standard, production date, shelf life, and hygiene license". Good quality paper cup body pattern color should be uniform, clear outline, waxing cup wax layer thickness uniform, coating Cup coating uniform, no leakage, cup mouth should not be obvious depression, wrinkle. Pay attention to the flat and smooth mouth of the cup, without waste edge and burr. The cup body should be clean and transparent, with uniform thickness, without impurities, bubbles, water lines and fish eye stiffness. The paper cup with good stiffness and the paper cup with thick and stiff wall can be roughly known by squeezing the two sides of the cup gently by hand.
Next look at the hazards of disposable tableware? About disposable lunch boxes
1、 成分:聚苯乙烯,
1. Ingredient: polystyrene,
2、 乙烯等高分子化合物。 特點:難以降解

2. Ethylene and other polymer compounds. Characteristics: difficult to degrade
3、 危害: (1) 一次性飯盒被隨意拋棄給城市帶來的是環境景觀上的“視覺汙染”。小組成員曾目睹水運工人到蘇州河上打撈漂浮垃圾,(2) 發現數量更多的便是一次性飯盒,(3) 重量輕,(4) 體積大,(5) 打撈困難。可以說,(6) 以一次性飯盒為主的“白色汙染”對城市景觀的破壞力將大大超過其它汙染源。 (7) 從深層次來看,(8) 一次性飯盒對環境的危害則是人們肉眼所難以覺察的。由於廢舊塑料 進入自然環境後難以降解,(9) 長期存在的廢舊塑料將對土壤產生極大的破壞力。其混入土用將 阻絕農作物和植(10) 物吸收養分和水分。其實如果不夠的話可能感染xx或xx病 而且很多紙飯盒是不可降解或降解緩慢的 更好吃自家的飯菜啦 或者自己買個飯盒 省錢又美觀。
3. Harm: (1) disposable lunch box is abandoned at will, the first thing to the city is the "visual pollution" on the environmental landscape. Members of the team have witnessed the water transport workers to the Suzhou River to salvage floating garbage, (2) the largest number of disposable lunch boxes found, (3) light weight, (4) large volume, (5) difficult to salvage. It can be said that (6) the destructive power of "white pollution" with disposable lunch box as the main source of urban landscape will be much greater than that of other pollution sources. (7) From a deeper level, (8) the harm of disposable lunch boxes to the environment is hard to be detected by the naked eye. As the waste plastics are difficult to degrade after entering the natural environment, (9) the long-term existence of waste plastics will produce great destructive power to the soil. Its incorporation into soil will prevent crops and plants (10) from absorbing nutrients and water. In fact, if the disinfection is not enough, you may be infected with XX or XX disease, and many paper lunch boxes are non degradable or slow degradation. It is better to eat your own meals or buy your own lunch boxes to save money and look beautiful.
不好.1、 一次性發泡塑料飯盒和塑料袋盛裝食物嚴重影響操逼视频大全的身體健康。當溫度達到65℃時,一次性發泡塑料操逼下载软件中的有害物質將滲。不好 汙染環境。
Not good. 1, disposable foam plastic lunch boxes and plastic bags containing food seriously affect our health. When the temperature reaches 65 ℃, harmful substances in disposable foam plastic tableware will seep. It's not good to pollute the environment.
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